Sunday, May 6, 2007

My Ethical Standards

If I were a newspaper, what would my standards be?

-Reporters should be fair, and should be accurate and report the truth, which they came to by many interviews and deep research
-Reporters should disclose any conflict of interests and/or biases before writing a piece, or in premise of the piece.
-If a mistake is made it should be reported, and if were made online it should not be deleated, but added on to.
-The newsroom should be diverse in gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and so on, but their pieces they write should not harbor any opinion or biases towards their specific make up.
-The writing, pictures and illustrations should not harm, or harrass anyone and be sensitive to gender, sexual or disability issues

While I think of more I will add more to my creed.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

2 thoughts

First, I'm interviewing Zach Braff today. Super nervous, as always.

Second, I think we should go for a drink during class. and after class, do my last day of classes ever, right.