Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Journalism Conference

Last night I attended the Jounalism Conference at my alma mater, USF. It was the first time I have been back on campus since graduation! It was great to see old professors and classmates, and it gave me a new found reason to start blogging again!

Between hearing about all of their struggles and success to get where they are: From moving 8 times in 4 years, standing in the rain, sleet, snow, fire (insert natural disaster/weather pattern here) to all of their advice, it was well worth the trip!

Although some of their advice, being a college grad doesn't apply anymore (though it is true, INTERNSHIPS are key! that's how I got the desk I am sitting at now), I still found it extremely helpful and enjoyable to listen to. Especially, the, "Don't do what you don't want to do" one. I totally understand

I still wish I knew what they thought a good starting salary is (so I could either go home and cry myself to sleep or jump for joy all the way home.. I hope jumping!)

Now I hope I can turn this blog back into a real journalism think tank, and still be involved in the journalism world! (though right now my writing consists of all marketing - event recaps, propsoals, sponsorships, etc etc etc) Maybe one day I'll go back! (or freelancing sounds like fun!!!)

More to come. Promise.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Good to hear from you! Yep, Robertson asked me to keep up the blog this past summer while traveling, and I guess I got used to it! I'm envious you got to see him the other night. I'm going to have to stop by and say hello, as well! I'm back in the Bay Area now, in the middle of applying to jobs, so we'll see what happens! Keep in touch!!